Thursday, October 15, 2009

Rennaissance man

The Last Supper

A renaissance man is a person who excels in many different groups of skills, such as science, math, art, and architecture. Leonardo da Vinci had a unique personality, which made him an observant, questioning, and creative person. Therefore he experimented with many of his ideas and thoughts. He had a fascination for human anatomy, his fascination lead him to make drawings in his notebook like at the exhibition we saw. He even showed the muscles and how they worked. His Vitruvian man has the perfect proportions of the human body.

He practiced a lot of science and math. He even did designs in his sketchbook of flying machines. Another sketch was the pulley system, which is used in current times. At the museum we saw a lot of his design sketches I think my favorite was the diving suit. Leonardo was very detailed with his ideas; on the suit you could see the stitches on the oxygen hose.

Another one of Leonardo’s talents was art. He made many paintings; one of his most famous paintings is the Mona Lisa, even though it was not noticed till he was dead. Mona Lisa has the most amazing expression on her face. One more of his paintings are the Last Supper that is one of his most famous paintings, but because he was testing new paints it started to flake and fall apart as you can see in my photo( It is in Santa Maria delle Grazie, a Covent in Milan, Italy. Leonardo also did sculpting in his years. He was going to make a statue of the Duke Of Milan’s father but they melted down the bronze to make more cannons for the war. Even after everything he has done Leonardo still wants to learn more about the world.

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