Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sudan Lost Boys

Refers to the anxiety and feelings (of surprise, disorientation, uncertainty, confusion, etc.) felt when people have to operate within a different and unknown culture such as one may encounter in a foreign country.

#1 Discuss the difficulties “Lost Boy,” Peter/Santino experienced while assimilating into the American culture?

The Lost Boys of Sudan went to America and they where still lost. They where told was going to be better, that’s why Peter left Sudan. When he got to America he found it was hard for him to live. Peter was found a job in the factory but problems there with the work pace, he wanted to make the bar code perfect but it moved to fast, getting to work and home was also a problem it could take hours to get home. In the refugee camp he was told that he would be able to go to school and college, but ended up working in a factory.

For peter making friends other than the other lost Boys was hard. People where suspicious of him and thought that he wanted to rob them, because he was darker than the African Americans. The people of the America didn’t understand what they had been through and treated them as kids, but they had lost there families, walked 1000 miles, watched people die, and left everything they knew behind them in Sudan.

#2 Discuss how they dealt with their culture shock ~ what did they do to adjust to the cultural divisions?

Peter changed how he behaved and acted to be like an American. When Peter went to High School in Kansas he realized he had to change if he wanted to fit in. He sat back and watched how people behave in the canteen, and the classroom, like how they talked and interacted. He tried to use the same language and behave like the Americans did. Before Peter thought that holding hands with a boy was ok in Sudan but in America people called the gay. Peter also changed the way he dressed to the African American way. In class he tried not to draw attention to himself, and stayed quiet and did his work, even when he went to the Christian gathering he stayed quiet.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Rennaissance man

The Last Supper

A renaissance man is a person who excels in many different groups of skills, such as science, math, art, and architecture. Leonardo da Vinci had a unique personality, which made him an observant, questioning, and creative person. Therefore he experimented with many of his ideas and thoughts. He had a fascination for human anatomy, his fascination lead him to make drawings in his notebook like at the exhibition we saw. He even showed the muscles and how they worked. His Vitruvian man has the perfect proportions of the human body.

He practiced a lot of science and math. He even did designs in his sketchbook of flying machines. Another sketch was the pulley system, which is used in current times. At the museum we saw a lot of his design sketches I think my favorite was the diving suit. Leonardo was very detailed with his ideas; on the suit you could see the stitches on the oxygen hose.

Another one of Leonardo’s talents was art. He made many paintings; one of his most famous paintings is the Mona Lisa, even though it was not noticed till he was dead. Mona Lisa has the most amazing expression on her face. One more of his paintings are the Last Supper that is one of his most famous paintings, but because he was testing new paints it started to flake and fall apart as you can see in my photo( It is in Santa Maria delle Grazie, a Covent in Milan, Italy. Leonardo also did sculpting in his years. He was going to make a statue of the Duke Of Milan’s father but they melted down the bronze to make more cannons for the war. Even after everything he has done Leonardo still wants to learn more about the world.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Blog #3

Nelson Mandela was convicted if sabotage because, he was an anti-apartheid activist so the African courts sentenced him to 27 years to prison.Now In South Africa he is often known as Madiba, an honorary title adopted by elders of Mandela's clan, After doing his time in prison prison on 11 February 1990 he was released,and because of the bravery he showed and he was the first president of South Africa.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

personification poem

This photo is related to the romeo and Juliet who could not love with there parents feud. they had to have a hidden love which eventually they couldn't handle it anymore so they committed suicide. this story was made by William Shakespeare in the 1800's. My poem shows how i related my poem and picture to the book the alchemist.


Love waits in chains

Drench in a pool of feelings

Screaming to be let free.

The Great Journey

The Great Journey

‘’They come in search of new thing, but they leave with the same things.’’(Coehlo 8) In the Alchemist, Santiago, the main character, goes on a journey to fulfill his destiny. He has a vision of treasure buried at the pyramids. He meets a priest, Melchizedek, and the priest tells him to go on a quest for his treasure. Santiago listens to the advice, and he goes off on his journey. During his journey, he finds love and does things he never dreamed of doing. On the journey, Santiago meets many people and fulfils his destiny. Santiago does this with three character traits: loyalty, love, and bravery.

Santiago shows his loyalty in many ways. In the book, Santiago is very loyal to the crystal merchant. Santiago shows his loyalty by working for the crystal merchant for a month. “I’d like to build a display case for the crystal,” Santiago tells the crystal merchant. Santiago builds the showcase for the crystal merchant to show that he is loyal to the merchant, and he respects him as a friend and a boss. On his journey, Santiago is also loyal to Fatima. Fatima is a woman of the desert that he falls in love with. He is loyal to her because he always thinks about her and keeps trying to go back to her throughout most of his journey. Santiago is loyal to the alchemist. The alchemist is Santiago’s mentor. Santiago is loyal to the Alchemist by following him and completing the tests the Alchemist gives him. Santiago is very loyal and shows it many times over and over.

’’Love is the falcon’s flight over the sands.’’ This quote is talking about how Santiago is in love with Fatima and he asked the desert for help. This is when he is trying to go to the Pyramids. I think in his journey he relies a lot on the alchemist, and asking Fatima for help. He loves her and shows it by telling her she will come back for her. Fatima loves him in the same way but she must stay in the desert as a woman of the desert.

Santiago shows bravery when he goes to the men in the desert and tells them that something is coming; they told him if nothing is happening his life will end. Santiago could have run away and left his destiny but he followed the alchemist words and showed bravery and listened. When the storm finally came, a man appeared on a white horse and wiped out a scimitar he got to keep his life and he continued onto his destiny.

Santiago came from Spain to Africa as a young shepherd to fulfil his destiny. He is loyal, brave, and loving. When he was working for the crystal merchant he did everything and he respected him as a friend and as his boss. He stood up to the alchemist when the storm came did his task and showed bravery. Santiago did not want to leave Fatima when they were in the desert, he wanted to stay with her and love her. If you are loyal and brave, good things will happen to you because you don’t turn your back, you face your fears and you take responsibility. Like Santiago, people who are brave pass the tests of life and can fulfill their destiny.

In the essay Santiago uses bravery in his journey. In my life i use bravery all the time like when I play Basket-ball one on one. I also use bravery when i don't do my homework.